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FAQ 검색
Are there any functional differences between the NetShelter HS and SX?
There may be physical differences between the HS and SX models.

Product Line:
NetShelter SX and HS.

All models, all serial numbers.

Customers may want to make sure which accessories install into the new cabinet, and where.

The HS cabinet frame is higher to accommodate taller castors, but the inside dimension of the frame has not changed.
In the NetShelter SX there are some 0U mounting spaces behind the vertical rails of the frame. These don't exist on the NetShelter HS. (see attached)

슈나이더 일렉트릭 Korea

첨부 파일
20180703 NetShelter 0U Mounting Hole Difference on NetShelter HS vs SX.pdf [99.86 KB]
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