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How to change SELECT Top 1000 rows or EDIT Top 200 rows Default Values in SQL Server Management Studio

Article available in these languages: 스페인어

In SSMS when we want to review Tables records, it is only possible to SELECT Top 1000 rows and EDIT Top 200 rows by default, and it is not possible to SELECT or EDIT all Tables in some cases that we need to review all.

SSMS defaults SELECT to 1000 rows and EDIT to 200 rows by design.

SQL table review with limited records

Product Line
PME SQL Databases

SQL Server Management Studio

In order to SELECT or EDIT all tables open SSMS, under Tools, and click Options as shown in the image below:

SSMS Settings

Then expand SQL Server Object Explorer, and select Command:

SQL Object Explorer

Then change those 200 and 1000 values to 0 for both options. This will give you SELECT and EDIT all Tables as shown below:

SQL Object Explorer

Click on OK and then you will be able to SELECT and EDIT all tables as shown below:

SQL table properties

SQL table review with all records

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