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FAQ 검색

Why are my modified parameters not saving when I change the part number in an ATV320 SoMove configuration file

Customer is using the Modify button in a saved ATV320 project file to change the part number of the drive, but all settings are reset to factory default.

Product Line:
ATV320 and SoMove

Offline programming


This issue has been reported to the software team.  At this time there is no scheduled update.
This appears to occur only when modifying a previously existing project file.
In order to modify the part number for a specific file where this happens:
  1. Use Import/Export from the File menu in SoMove to Export the .PSX file to  a .CFG file.
  2. Close the project
  3. Use Import/Export from the File Menu in SoMove to import the new .CFG file, select ATV320, and then select the new ATV320 part number.
The motor nameplate information may be reset if the values do not fall within the adjustment range of the new drive part number but all other modified settings should remain.

슈나이더 일렉트릭 Korea

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