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FAQ 검색

BMENOP0300 DDT data structure with ErrorCode2 value 0x0001

What does it mean when the BMENOP0300 DDT ErrorCode2 value is equal to 0x0001…0x00FF?

In the help documentation, we can see this explanation: “ configuration inconsistent (index of IED in SCL) ”
It's because of the invalid CID file, for example if the CID file contains several IED profiles but only one can be used and the others are empty of configuration without IP address as in the following picture (Client1 to Client5 are empty)Capture_Import.JPG

NOP will check the associated IED when it connects to that server, if they don't match, the firmware will raise an error, on the 16th bits of Error code, the ErrorCode2 becomes 0x0001.

Environment :
This error value can appear with the BMENOP0300 firmware version ≤ 2.50

We will consider putting the fix in into next release.

슈나이더 일렉트릭 Korea

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