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Are Voltage Leads Affected by Current Leads?

The magnetic fields that the CT leads create would have an effect on the voltage and Vref conductors. How much depends on the orientation of each CT lead with respect to the voltage conductors.
To test how much the CT leads are affecting the voltage leads is to run the currents and measure the voltage with respect to ground on the Vref conductor (assuming that Vref is also in the conduit). This will give an idea of how badly the CT leads are affecting the conductors.

Original article#16504
Last Revised: October 31, 2007
All content © 1992-2007 Schneider Electric

Legacy KB System (APS) Data: RESL189021 V1.0, Originally authored by KBAdPM on 11/09/2007, Last Edited by KBAdPM on 11/09/2007
Related ranges: ION8800, ION8600, ION7550/ION7650, ION7300, ION6200

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