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What is the maximum recommended distance between the Energy Meter and the current transformers?

Product Line
Energy Meters

Current transformers

The maximum distance is 100 feet using a minimum of 18 AWG, twisted lead, 600V insulation wire.

Page 3 of the Energy Meter Installation Manual (PowerLogic Energy Meter Instruction Bulletin 63230-216-201/A5 ) recommends the distance between the Energy Meter and the current transformers (CT'S) not exceed 20 feet and that CT
wiring should be a minimum of 18 AWG twisted lead wiring with 600V insulation.

It is possible to increase that distance up to 100 feet using the same guage (or larger) wire. Distances longer than 100 feet will cause inaccuracies in the meter readings.

Schneider Electric Казахстан

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