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Is it possible to install BlokSeT Dc back to back / Double front ?

We do not recommend the installation of BlokSeT Dc back to back/Double Front.
The forced convection happens in the capacitor column as shown below. The cold air enters from the front side of the switchboard and goes out from the rear. All the capacitors are installed at the rear side and cold air cools the capacitors while flowing towards the rear side grill. Hence, if you install capacitor column back to back / double front, the force convection will be affected.

Dc Back to Back

Secondly, Capacitors are installed in the rear side of the BlokSeT Dc column. It will be difficult to access the capacitors if the installation is back to back / double front. Hence, maintenance will be difficult as the breaker and contactors must be completely disassembled to access the capacitor. So, for any future maintenance, the power supply to the entire column must be shut down and it is huge mechanical work.

Schneider Electric Казахстан

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