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Where are the sources for the PME Alarm Configuration tool stored?
A user would like to know where the sources are stored for the Alarm Configuration tool within PME.

Product Line:
Power Monitoring Expert 8.0
Power Monitoring Expert 8.1

Alarm Configuration tool

The alarm sources are stored within the Application Modules database and can be viewed through SQL Management Studio using the query below.  It is recommended to modify the source and measurement selection only through the Alarm Configurator tool.  Modifying the database table entries directly within SQL Management Studio can produce unexpected behavior and, potentially, render the system inoperable.

SELECT * FROM [ApplicationModules].[Configuration].[ConfigurationSettings] WHERE ItemType = 'Data Processor' AND Item = 'Alarm Rule'

*Note: After PME 8.1 the way this data is stored in SQL has been restructured and this query will no longer be applicable

Schneider Electric Казахстан

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