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What is the approximate weight of a typical Model 6 LVMCC section?

What is the approximate weight of a typical Model 6 LVMCC section?

Product Line:
Model 6 motor control centers.

Products sold in the United States.

Product features.

The following weights are approximate shipping weights for a normal mix of LVMCC equipment. Some sections, based on installed devices and width of section may vary from the weights shown.

NEMA 1, 1A, & 12 Enclosure, 15 inches deep - 600 lbs
NEMA 3R Non-Walk-In Enclosure, 15 inches deep - 900 lbs

NEMA 1, 1A, & 12 Enclosure, 20 inches deep - 750 lbs
NEMA 3R Non-Walk-In Enclosure, 20 inches deep - 1050 lbs

CTA-ID : 2005295

Schneider Electric Mexico

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