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What is the replacement of an STR28D trip unit for a Merlin Gerin Masterpact breaker?

Replacement for STR28D trip unit for a Merlin Gerin Masterpact breaker

Product Line:
Circuit Breaker

Masterpact Circuit Breakers

There are two ways you can order this trip unit. The best way is to get the ``MP`` number from the left hand side of the breaker and call Customer Service in Cedar Rapids. With this number they can determine what trip unit and options shipped with the breaker and send you the right one.

The other way is to fill out the Request for Quote form in the back of the MG Pricing Guide. If you order it this way, write in BOLD letters ``Trip Unit Only`` on the form, and fax it to Customer Service: 319-369-6614.

This trip unit can be sold only to Services because only they are authorized to install it.

Schneider Electric Mexico

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