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Video: How do I select the appropriate finger safe terminal covers for 9070 Type T or TF control transformer?

Article available in these languages: Spanish

Selecting Fingersafe® Covers for 9070 Type T Control Transformers

Product Line:
9070 Type T or TF Industrial Control Transformers

Application may require screw terminals to be isolated and finger-safe.

To determine the correct terminal cover kit for your 9070 Type T or TF control transformer you must first determine the Type key of the transformer. You can determine the transformers Type (I, II, III, or IV) from the information found in either the Digest or the 9070 Control Transformer Catalog document . From that information and the VA size, you can select the correct finger safe terminal cover kit from the information in the current Digest.

The finger safe covers 9070FSC-1, 9070FSC-2 and 9070FSC-23 are finger safe for the terminals of both Type T and TF TERMINALS only.

Schneider Electric Mexico

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