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Is there a deadfront filler plate for an NQMB** kit used in a NQ442L2 panel if the main breaker is removed and the main lugs are used?

Article available in these languages: Spanish

What is the deadfront filler plate for a vacated Main breaker in a NQ442L2 panel ?

Product Line:
NQ Panelboards


Coverting Main breaker to Main lug Panel

The previously offered closing plate, part no. 80103-079-02, is now obsolete and no longer available.
A NQXXRDE  Rail extension kit can be used, (Where X is the length of the blank dead front and rail extensions, ie NQ12RDE for 12" H).

This rail extension kit is used to make up the difference between a MLO box height and the MCB height Box.
It also can be used after the Main breaker is removed and converted to a Main lug interior. The Blank deadfront has no openings where the Main was originally .

See attached instruction Bulletin

Schneider Electric Mexico

Documentos adjuntos

NQ Rail ext inst bulletin 80043-732-02.pdfNQ Rail ext inst bulletin 80043-732-02.pdf [7.07 MB]
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