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Why am I getting ": "Warning, application has halted due to : cannot find empty slot to insert error message file KAOScore.txt KAOScore:portable.error.cpp : line 221" and how to resolve the issue?

Why am I getting ": "Warning, application has halted due to : cannot find empty slot to insert error message file KAOScore.txt KAOScore:portable.error.cpp : line 221" and how to resolve the issue?

Product Line:
Vijeo Designer

This error is essentially related to the low level error handling system of Vijeo Designer Runtime.
KAOScore.txt is one of several files containing error messages. When an error occurs, Runtime inserts this file into a buffer in order to load the error message.

The error reported occurs when this buffer has somehow become full and Runtime cannot insert any more files.
In theory, this should not happen because there are more slots than there are files.

If there is an ERRORLOG.txt file in the customer's target, it might give us more information as to how the buffer ran out of slots.

But rebooting the target cleans out the buffer and will boot up back to normal.

Schneider Electric Mexico

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