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What is the replacement for the Momentum Top Hat?

Looking for the replacement for the Proworx/Concept Momentum PLC top hat.

The closest replacement for the Momentum CPU is one of these modules.

171CBU78090 - Unity M1 processor - RS232/485 - USB - I/O bus
171CBU98090 - Unity M1E processor - RS232/485 - Ethernet - USB - I/O bus
171CBU98091 - Unity M1E processor - RS232/485 - Ethernet - USB - I/O bus - global data

They will not work with the old Option Adapters. JNN/PNN.

You will also need Unity Pro .
You will have to convert your existing Proworx/Modsoft/Concept program into Unity.

Schneider Electric Mexico

Documentos adjuntos
Momentum for Unity.pptx [2.46 MB]
Concept-Proworx.pdf [210.16 KB]
PartNumbers.pdf [51.55 KB]
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