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Is there a Modbus to BACnet converter for the BCM, BCPM, and EM4900?

Customer is inquiring about a BACnet converter for BCPM meters.

Product Line
Branch Circuit Power Meter (BCPM)
Branch Current Monitor (BCM)
EM4900A series

BACnet communication

BCPM and EM4900 series meters are not capable of communicating over BACnet on their own.

The Schneider Electric part number for the converter is E8951. It is made by Veris and sold by Schneider on behalf of Veris.
See attached Veris documentation below for E8951 the Specification Sheet and Installation Guide.

Note: The BCPME and EM49xxE are capable of natively communicating BACnet MS/TP or BACnet IP protocol. Configuring the BACnet MS/TP or BACnetIP is done using the onboard GUI.

Update:  The E8951 is sold and supported by Veris.  It is non-returnable to Schneider Electric.

Schneider Electric Mexico

Documentos adjuntos

E8951_Specification_Sheet.pdfE8951_Specification_Sheet.pdf [538.54 KB]
E8951_Installation_Guide.pdfE8951_Installation_Guide.pdf [4.07 MB]
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