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How to Connect Accutech BR20 to Wired Output Module

There are 3 possible part numbers for the Acute wired output module:

TBUM297526 - 4AO: 4 Channel Analog Output Module (4-20mA)
TBUM297527 - 8SW: 8-Point Switch Closure Output Module
TBUM297528 - 4AO-8SW:  Channel Analog Output  (4-20mA) & 8-Point Switch Closure Output Module

To be able to configure any of the above models with the BR20 Accutech Base Radio, a RS-485 connection must be used. Accutech Manager is used to configure the modules where outputs of Accutech Wireless field units can be mapped to the module. For initial set-up the part number TBUM297569 (USB Programming Cable) can be used.

Schneider Electric Mexico

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