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How do you properly connect or wire a transformer with the voltage codes SV43 and S43 Rated for 120 x 240 - 12/24 volts?

How do you properly connect or wire a transformer with the voltage codes SV43 & S43?

Product Line:
LV Transformers

Applies to Single Phase Transformers with SV43 & S43 voltage code

Connections depend on your application

- For 240V 1Ph 2W Connect H2 & H3 together and apply primary 240V lines to H1 and H4 (Series Connection)
- For 120V 1Ph 2W Connect H1 and H3 together and connect H2 & H4 together then apply 120V lines to H1 and H4 (Parallel Connections)

- For 24V Connect X2 and X3 together and bond to equipment ground or building ground per NEC Code, 24V Outputs are X1 and X4. (Series Connection)
- For 12V Connect X1 and X3 and connect X2 and X4, 12V Outputs are X1 and X4, X2 and X4 and bond to equipment ground or building ground per NEC Code (Parallel Connection)

Schneider Electric Mexico

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SV43.JPG.jpgSV43.JPG.jpg [17.01 KB]
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