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How to send Engineering Value from SCADAPack E RTU directly without scaling relevant DNP Analog point in ClearSCADA.
SCADAPack E RTU gives you two options to send DNP analog points values

- First option is to send the Raw Value to SCADA:

if the analog point is set to be either a 16-bit signed or 32-bit signed analog input then the value that will be sent to ClearSCADA will correspond to the values shown in the 'Raw Min' and 'Raw Max' fields like below image then may need to Scale the point in ClearSCADA to show its Engineering value.

- Second option is to send the Engineering Value to ClearSCADA directly:

in this Case the scaling exists inside RTU Configuration at 'Eng Min' and 'Eng Max' fields. You need to change the data type of the analog input to 'short float'. When 'short float' is selected then the value that will be sent to ClearSCDA will correspond to the values shown in the 'Eng Min' and 'Eng Max' fields like below image. You also may need to disable scaling for the relevant ClearSCADA point

Note: the following table lists the valid types for analog point types that you can assign to each analog point.

Schneider Electric Mexico