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What does PIDFF status 080 indicate in Control Expert?
PIDFF is not producing an output due to status 080.

Product Line
Control Expert, Unity Pro

Status 080 DEC = 0101 0000 which means that bits 4 and 6 are set. Bits are numbered 0-7 starting from the far right.
See below what this means. Bit 4 will be set if any one of bulleted items is true.

Note on output OUT

NOTE: In manual mode these bits stay at 1 for only one program cycle. When the user enters a value for OUT which exceeds one of the thresholds, the function block sets the Bit 5 or 6 to 1 and blocks them from the user entered value. During the next execution of the function block, the value of OUT no longer lies outside the range and bits 5 and 6 are set to zero again.

Error message

An error is displayed when a non-floating point has been recorded at an input, when a problem occurs during a calculation with floating points or when the thresholds pv_inf and pv_sup of the controller are identical. In this case the outputs OUT, OUTD, MA_O and INFO remain unchanged.
NOTE: For a list of all PIDFF block error codes and values, see below:
PIDFFW_WARN_OUT_OF_RANGET3011016#759EParameter out of range
PIDFFE_ERR_NULL_INPUT_SCALEF-3012116#8A57Null input scale: max and min limit must be different
PIDFFFP_ERRORF--See table of Common Floating Point Errors below
PIDFFStatus word valuesT/F--For details about the PIDFF status word see above the 4 bit details

Warning Message

In the following cases a warning message is given:
  • One of the kp, dband, gain _kp parameters outrate is negative. The function block then uses the value 0 instead of the incorrect parameter value.
  • kd < 1 (with td <> 0): the function block uses the value 1 instead of the faulty value of kd.
  • The parameter ovs_att is outside the [0.1] range: for calculation, the function block uses the value 0 or 1.
  • The parameter out_min or out_max is outside the range [out_inf, out_sup]. For calculations, the function block uses the value out_inf or out_sup.
  • One of the parameters outbias, otff_inf or otff_sup is outside the range [(out_min - out_max), (out_max - out_min)]. For calculation, the function block uses the value (out_min - out_max) or (out_max - out_min).

If an error occurs during floating point processing, it will also be displayed on the Statusoutput. For the list of possible floating point error codes, see below.

The following table shows the common error codes and error values created for floating point errors. These error information are displayed in the Diagnostic Viewer and the error code values are written in %SW125.

Table of common floating point errors
Error codesError value in DecError value in HexError description
FP_ERROR-3015016#8A3ABase value (not apearing as an error value)
E_FP_STATUS_FAILED_IE-3015116#8A39Illegal floating point operation
E_FP_STATUS_FAILED_DE-3015216#8A38Operand is denormalized - not a valid REAL number
E_FP_STATUS_FAILED_ZE-3015416#8A36Illegal divide by zero

Schneider Electric Mexico

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