The customer had (8) PM8000 meters to connect into DNP 3.0 Server, but only one was working.
Product Line
DNP 3.0
ION Setup
Installation and ION Setup advanced setting
Unable to communicate with more than one PM8000 connected into the DNP 3.0 Server because the DLAddrForEthernet register was configured to “100” across all the meters.
When connecting multiple PM8000 using DNP 3.0, the DLAddrForEthernet register must be changed from the default value. The “DLAddrForEthernet” register defines the DNP Data Link address for Ethernet connections. The range is 1 – 65519 and DLAddrForEthernet is set to “100” by default therefore, each device (PM8000) must have a unique DLAddrForEthernet value to communicate and the default value must be changed. For example with (8) devices, the addresses would be from 100 – 107.
The configuration will be done using ION Setup advanced setting:
- Download the ION Setup software here to a desktop or laptop
- Connect the PM8000 via Ethernet Network
- Add the PM8000 meter into ION Setup
- To enable the DNP port [Setup Assistant - > Communication -> Advanced Ethernet -> Protocols -> DNP [(Enabled - > Yes, Assigned port # - >20000)]
- To access the Advanced setting -> Hold “Crtl” key then click on the meter name in ION Setup -> DNP Slave Options Modules -> DNP Slave Options (1, 2, 3) -> Setup Registers -> DLAddrForEthernet -> Set to unique value for each option (1, 2,3)
- Click “Send” to send the change to the meter
- Repeat step 2 – 4 for each PM8000,
- Then repeat step 5 with different DLAddrForEthernet Ex. 101, 102 – 107,
- Finally, repeat step 6 for each device.
See the example below:
Right click on ION Setup icon then; “Run as administrator” - > OK
Ethernet device -> OK
Device properties setup –> OK
Enable DNP 3.0 –> Yes and 20000
Hold “Ctrl” key then click on the device – Advanced settings - > click on “DNP Slave Options Modules”
Click on each of the DNP Slave Options to edit the DLAddrForEthernet highlighted,
Note: If asked for password, type “0”.
Edit to change the DLAddrForEthrnet address, repeat it for each DNP Slave Options, then send to the device.
Repeat all the above steps for each PM8000 meter as show the last meter will be “107”