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How to reset the users and passwords of TM3 Bus Coupler.

To reset the users and passwords of a TM3 Bus Coupler:

1- Connect to the bus coupler using the USB port. Ensure the Ethernet cable is disconnected.

2- Open a web browser.

3- Enter the IP address

4- Move the position of any rotary switch to any other position. The MS LED should now be flashing and the "Restore user accounts" button should be displayed.

5- Click the "Restore user accounts" button.

6- Once the user accounts successfully restored, move the position of the changed rotary switch to its previous position. The "Restore user accounts" button should no longer be displayed.

For more details see sections Resetting the Password, pages 83, 100 or 112 of the User Guide.

Link: https://download.schneider-electric.com/files?p_enDocType=User+guide&p_File_Name=TM3-BC-Configurator-User-Guide-EN-EIO0000004112-03.pdf&p_Doc_Ref=EIO0000004112

Schneider Electric Mexico

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