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What could trigger an ObF2 error on ATV680 enclosed AFE drives?


AFE bus unbalancing or ObF2 fault on the ATV680 Drives.

Product Line:

ATV680 and ATV980 enclosed drives with AFE


All 680 and 980 AFE Drives only


The Drives internal DC bus voltage is out of range from unsymmetric mains voltage or inoperative AFE Brick.


-Turn off stop and go feature and see if the drive powers up.

-Analysis mains voltage and DC bus voltage.

-Perform visual on the AFE brick (Requires Field Services onsite)

-Replace the AFE brick (Requires Field Services onsite)

Note to turn off stop and go feature from the HMI or keypad.

-Main menu

-My Preferences

-Stop and go

Set to NO

Schneider Electric Mexico

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