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Bienvenido(a) al sitio web para México de Schneider Electric

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What is Mechanism-Operated Contacts (MOC) and how it works?

How does the MOC work and how can it be identified?

Product Line:
Metal Clad, VR Breaker.

MV Switchgear, Masterclad.

Understanding how the standard Metal Clad offer works.

Mechanism-Operated Contacts are compartment-mounted, auxiliary contacts operated by the circuit breaker mechanism. Like circuit-breaker-mounted auxiliary contacts, they indicate whether the circuit breaker is in the open or closed position. They operate in both the connected and test/disconnected positions.
The MOC unit is mounted on the left side of the circuit breaker section. It is operated by a mechanism that is driven vertically by a roller on the left side of the circuit breaker.
Mechanism Operated Contacts

Schneider Electric Mexico

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