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Bienvenido(a) al sitio web para México de Schneider Electric

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Schneider Electric’s simulated control processor (SCP) is a virtual simulation of Foxboro control processors CP270 and CP280, combined with DYNSIM® dynamic modeling capability. SCP is built on the block algorithms and communication infrastructure of EcoStruxure™ Foxboro DCS and I/A Series® process automation.

All operational and engineering applications, processes and equipment that run with Foxboro control systems run the same way with SCP software.


  • Functionality identical to a Foxboro CP
  • One-to-one SCP-to-real-CP Relationship
  • Support for virtualization and cloud environments
  • Small hardware footprint
  • Support for all standard Foxboro configuration tools
  • Can be mixed with standard CPs during process automation system (PAS) factory acceptance test (FAT)
  • Easy bulk configuration of tie-back models
  • Support for direct links to other control software, including EcoStruxure Triconex Safety Systems, Rockwell, Emerson, Siemens, GE and Yokogawa; as well as support for many other PLC, SIS, PAS and third-party simulation software offerings


  • Design superior real-time control software
  • Experience an ideal retrofit/upgrade design environment
  • Analyze and troubleshoot system response and performance, saving time and resources
  • Dramatically reduce the time required for commissioning and startup of EcoStruxure Foxboro DCS, I/A Series or Control Core Services system
  • Provide high-quality operator training


  • Hydrocarbon processing
  • Chemical and specialty chemicals
  • Upstream oil and gas
  • Power generation
  • Metals and mining
  • Water and wastewater

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