TCPOpen Library install for Control Expert (Unity Pro).
Run setup.exe from the TCPOpen installation CD.
The path to the family.dsc file requested by the <Install Family> button depends on the Windows OS:
Windows XP
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\ApplicationData\Schneider Electric\Control Expert 14.0\custom Libset\V7.0\TCPOPEN\FFBinstall\Advanced
Windows 7:
C:\Program Data\Schneider Electric\Unity Pro\Custom Libset\V7.0\TCPOpenInstall\FFBinstall\Advanced
During the install you may run into a The LibPath key was not found in registry error.
To correct this, Run Updateforcompanions.bat from the folder on the Unity PRo Installation CD.
"UpdateForCompanions" followed by the letter corresponding to the installed Unity Pro package: "S", "M", "L", "XL"
- For example, D:\updateforcompanions XL.bat
Released for:Schneider Electric Malaysia