Posible cause of a bLF Fault on ATV630/930.
Product Line:
ATV630 and ATV930 Process drives
Wrong setting of the parameter IBR (Brk Release Current)
Bad fluxing of motor ( 5*tr ).(tr = Rotor time constant).
Incorrect values of auto tuning (check in expert mode TRM).
Posible cause of a bLF Fault on ATV630/930.
Product Line:
ATV630 and ATV930 Process drives
Wrong setting of the parameter IBR (Brk Release Current)
Bad fluxing of motor ( 5*tr ).(tr = Rotor time constant).
Incorrect values of auto tuning (check in expert mode TRM).
Principle: This fault appears when the brake logic is used and the conditions to open the brake are not present. If the brake release current (parameter IBR) is not attained after a delay (parameter BRR+100ms) or it is impossible to flux the motor during 5*tr ( tr = Rotor time constant ) then the fault appears. Probable cause: - wrong setting of the parameter IBR (Brk Release Current) Bad fluxing of motor ( 5*tr ).(tr = Rotor time constant). Incorrect values of auto tuning (check in expert mode TRM). Remedies: Check the drive/motor connections. Check the motor wending Check the IBR (current for brake opening while ascending) and IRD (current for brake opening while descending) settings. Check the setting of bEn (brake closing frequency) Check the parameter BRR Current ramp time ( only in expert mode ). |
Released for:Schneider Electric Malaysia