- Contact your Local Representative and purchase the required upgrade license.
- Our customer support team will e-mail you with the upgrade License that was purchased.
- Saved this License in your desktop folder.
- Create a new project using RemoteConnect.
- Go online with the device.
- Under My Network, right-click on SCADAPack x70 Controller Settings -DeviceDTM and select Additional Functions > Apply License to Device
- in the Apply License to Device dialog, click Browse to navigate to the location where the license file is stored. The license file has a .lic extension.
- In the open dialog, select the license file, then click Open
- In the Apply License to Device dialog, click Ok. A restart of the device is required to activate license options after the license has been successfully applied to it.
- In the pop-up dialog, click Yes to confirm.
- Verify the license's modifications. Under Online Diags>Licensing then hit refresh button.
Released for:Schneider Electric Malaysia