Thermal relays, coordinated with TeSys D contactors and circuit-breakers, to protect motors up to 150 A (75 kW / 400 V) from overloads
TeSys LR2K
Thermal relays, coordinated with TeSys K contactors, to protect from overloads motors up to 12 A (5.5 kW / 400 V)
TeSys LR9
Electronic relays, to protect from overloads motors up to 630 A (315 kW / 400 V)
TeSys LR97D
Electronic overcurrent relays to protect motors up to 38 A (18 kW / 400 V) and related machine components
TeSys LT47
Electronic overcurrent relays to protect motors up to 60 A (30 kW / 400 V) and related machine components