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What does H29 on the end of a part number indicate?

Certain products across the Schneider Electric range have features that are particular to specific country or language.

To enable differentiation of products that have a specific variation a H (for homologation) and number is applied to the part number as a suffix.

For UK / English language variations a H29 suffix is used.

Some common UK / English language  examples of variations that have been created;

XAPM ** H29    Metal control stations with metric ISO M20mm tapped cable entries (compared to standard PG tapped cable entries).
ZCK **   H29    Limit switch bodies with metric ISO tapped cable entries (compared to standard PG tapped cable entries).
XCK **   H29    Complete limit switches with bodies featuring metric ISO tapped cable entries (compared to standard PG tapped cable entries).
XALD211H29    Complete plastic 2 position control station with pushbuttons marked with 'Start' and 'Stop' compared to standard version with marking 'Marche' and 'Arret'.

Schneider Electric Netherlands

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