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Veelgestelde vragen (FAQ's) zoeken
How is the ATV630 programmed for a current threshold relay configuration?
To program this function, go into Complete settings > Input/Output menus.  Select the Relay tab at the bottom right side of the display.
Select the appropriate Relay Configuration.
Select the Rx assignment and program it as Current thd reached.
Go into Complete Settings > Genertic Function > Threshold Reached.
You will have low treshold and high current threshold settings that can be programmed as needed.

If this article does not answer your question, check out our FAQ database that has answers to more commonly asked questions:
Frequently Asked Questions - Schneider Electric (se.com)

If this FAQ did not solve your issue, you can call us at 1-888-778-2733 Option 2 and then 4 or e-mail us at drive.products.support@se.com to create a case with our Technical Support Team.

If you are not located in North America, please contact your local Customer Care Center for assistance:
Support | Schneider Electric Global (se.com)

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