ATV21/ATV212 programmed for Modbus.
Product Line:
ATV21 and ATV212
Modbus setup for the ATV21 and ATV212 drives
Monitor only set up example:
CNOD=0 terminal control
FNOD= 2 for VIB
THr = FLA of motor name plate
F---- enter
F108= 48 Force to local mode
F802= 1 modbus address
F803= 10 Time out for modbus
F807= 1 screw terminals for modbus or 0 for RJ45 (ATV212 only)
F800= 1 19200 RJ45 port only (must be same as customers controller)
F801= 1 Even Parity RJ45 port only (must be same as customers controller)
F820= 1 19200 baud speed (must be same as customers controller)
F821= 1 Even Parity (must be same as customers controller)
F829= 1 modbus RTU (must be same as customers controller)
(note F807, F820, F821 and F829 is ATV212 only)
Controlling speed and start stop via modbus change
CNOD=2 modbus control start and stop
FNOD= 4 for modbus speed reference
F108= 0 turn off force to local
Indirect set up vs Direct setup:
Indirect set up: program in the drive F---- codes.
Writing commands to drive
F870 = 1 for CMD command word
F871= 3 for freq ref
Reading commands from drive:
F875= 1 for ETA status (FD01) you must assign min 2 registers to read.
F876= 2 for output freq (FD00) you must assign min 2 registers to read.
F877= 3 for output current (FE03) optional read
F878= 4 for output voltage (FE05) optional read
F879= 5 for alarm code (FC91) optional read
Assuming no offset the starting read register for status is address 1875 thru 1879.
Assuming no offset the starting write register for command and speed is address 1870 thru 1871.
Start FWD the drive write a hex value 400 (or dec 1024) to address 1870 and speed ref write a dec 6000 for 60 Hz to address 1871. Works if fnod and cnod is 2 and 4.
Start REV write hex 600 or (dec 1536) to CMD
Stop write a 0 to CMD
Freq ref write a 6000 to address 1871.
Note 1: If fnod and cnod is 2 and 0 they can write C400 hex to cmd and it will override terminals control and start the drive.
Note 2: If you have a offset you will need to add 1 to each address you read and write to.
Example: with offset you write to address 1871 and send speed to 1872.
Direct configuration means you can write direct to words
No need to set up F870 thru 879 it’s only for indirect configuration
Writing the command to start and stop the drive:
Starting drive in direct mode CMD word is Hex FA00 or Dec 64000 (write a Dec 1024 or hex 400 to CMD to start the drive.)
Stopping drive in direct mode CMD word is Hex FA00 or Dec 64000 (write a Dec or Hex 0 to the CMD to stop the drive)
Freq reference is hex FA01 or Dec 64001 (write a 6000 in dec for 60 Hz speed reference).
ETA status word is Hex FD01 or Dec 64769
Output frequency in Hz is Hex FD00 or Dec 64768
Output current is Hex FE01 or Dec 65027
Note if you are offset by one you will need to add 1 to each value.
Example: writing to 64001 for CMD and speed will be 64002 for freq reference.
Released for:Schneider Electric New Zealand