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PME - How to Upgrade License with Existing Software Assurance


How to Upgrade License with Existing Software Assurance

Product Line

EcoStruxure Power Monitoring Expert


The process for upgrading your License with an existing Software Assurance is as follows:

1. Customer goes to the Sales Portal Website and log in

2. On the Sales Portal Home screen, select the Version Upgrade Licenses option under Generate Licenses.

3. On the Select Customer screen, select the correct customer site from your My Organization’s Sites list or search for the correct company location using the company name and/or address.

4. On the System screen, select the correct system from the list of systems associated with the customer site.

5. The Review And Generate Licenses screen summarizes what licenses will be upgraded. Review the information on this screen to ensure that the correct licenses will be generated. Once confirmed, click the Generate button to upgrade the licenses.

6. Upgrading the licenses should only take a few seconds. The screen will indicate progress by displaying the main steps of the process.

7. The Summary screen lists the license that was just upgraded.

• The generated licenses are saved in the Sales Portal and associated with the customer site and system you selected.

• The summary is also emailed to you, along with a PDF of the Entitlement Certificate.

8. You can now upgrade the License in the License Configuration Tool by either Refreshing the License or Return and then Activating it again for Offline mode.

Schneider Electric New Zealand

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