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PowerChute Network Shutdown reports "Available runtime has been exceeded".

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PowerChute Network Shutdown reports "Available runtime has been exceeded". and or PowerChute shuts down OS due to "Available runtime has been exceeded"

PowerChute Network Shutdown versions 3.1, 4.x, 5.x

All supported OS
NOTE: All of this information is available in the User Guides and PowerChute Help.

Condition 1 for all configurations except VMware and Hyper-V:
When the total shutdown time required by PowerChute is greater than the Low Battery Duration minus two minutes configured for the UPS. In the event of a low battery condition, PowerChute will not have enough time to complete the shutdown sequence before the UPS powers off. For example, if the total shutdown time required is 3 minutes and Low Battery Duration is 4 minutes, the Available Runtime has been Exceeded event will be triggered.

Condition 2 for all configurations except VMware and Hyper-V:
When the shutdown duration configured for the UPS On Battery event plus the total shutdown time required by PowerChute is greater than the Runtime Remaining on the UPS minus two minutes. This condition can be caused by having too great a load on the UPS when the battery is fully charged.

For  conditions 3 and 4 below, the "total shutdown time" includes the following durations:
  • VM migration duration
  • VM shutdown and startup duration
  • vApp shutdown and startup duration
  • Shutdown command file duration
  • Built-in duration of 2 minutes (this consists of a 10 second OS shutdown duration and a 60 second OS shutdown duration; rounded up)
The event occurs with either of the following conditions:

Condition 3 for VMware:
When the total shutdown time required by PowerChute is greater than the Low Battery Duration minus two minutes configured for the UPS. In the event of a low battery condition, PowerChute will not have enough time to complete the shutdown sequence before the UPS powers off. For example, if the total shutdown time required is 3 minutes and Low Battery Duration is 4 minutes, the Available Runtime has been Exceeded event will be triggered.

Condition 4 for VMware:
When the shutdown duration configured for the UPS On Battery event plus the total shutdown time required by PowerChute is greater than the Runtime Remaining on the UPS minus two minutes. This condition can be caused by having too great a load on the UPS when the battery is fully charged.

For conditions 5 and 6 below, the "total shutdown time" includes the following durations:
  • VM migration duration - Hyper-V only
  • VM shutdown and startup duration- Hyper-V only
  • Host Maintenance duration - SCVMM only
  • Shutdown command file duration
  • Built-in duration of 2 minutes (this consists of a 10 second OS shutdown duration and a 60 second OS shutdown duration; rounded up)
The event occurs with either of the following conditions:

Condition 5 for Hyper-V:
When the total shutdown time required by PowerChute is greater than the Low Battery Duration minus two minutes configured for the UPS. In the event of a low battery condition, PowerChute will not have enough time to complete the shutdown sequence before the UPS powers off. For example, if the total shutdown time required is 3 minutes and Low Battery Duration is 4 minutes, the Available Runtime has been Exceeded event will be triggered.

Condition 6 for Hyper-V:
When the shutdown duration configured for the UPS On Battery event plus the total shutdown time required by PowerChute is greater than the Runtime Remaining on the UPS minus two minutes. This condition can be caused by having too great a load on the UPS when the battery is fully charged.


Condition 1 for all configurations except VMware and Hyper-V:
Increase the Low Battery Duration value on the NMC using Configure - Shutdown or decrease the shutdown durations being used by PowerChute.

Condition 2 for all configurations except VMware and Hyper-V:
  1. Remove some equipment from the UPS to increase the available runtime.
  2. Decrease the shutdown duration time for the UPS On Battery event.
  3. Decrease the command file execution time using the Shutdown Settings screen.
This event is logged and event actions are carried out even if it occurs on a single UPS in a
Redundant or Parallel UPS configuration.

Condition 3 for VMware:
Increase the Low Battery Duration value on the NMC using Configure - Shutdown or decrease the shutdown durations being used by PowerChute.

Condition 4 for VMware:
  1. Remove some equipment from the UPS to increase the available runtime.
  2. Decrease the shutdown duration time for the UPS On Battery event.
  3. Decrease the command file execution time using the Shutdown Settings screen.
This event is logged and event actions are carried out even if it occurs on a single UPS in a Redundant or Parallel UPS configuration.

Condition 5 for Hyper-V:
Increase the Low Battery Duration value on the NMC using Configure - Shutdown or decrease the shutdown durations being used by PowerChute.

Condition 6 for Hyper-V:
  1. Remove some equipment from the UPS to increase the available runtime.
  2. Decrease the shutdown duration time for the UPS On Battery event.
  3. Decrease the command file execution time using the Shutdown Settings screen.
This event is logged and event actions are carried out even if it occurs on a single UPS in a Redundant or Parallel UPS configuration.

Schneider Electric Philippines

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