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PSE 8.x Advanced OneLine failing after upgrade from PSE 7.20
After running an upgrade from PSE 7.20 to PSE 8.x, the runtime will start but AOL.exe will not start without crashing. The AdvOneLine log shows the error:
ERROR: WriteListHandleToPLS: Unable to Write Tag zOL\HealthTimeout. Connection to SCADA may be lost.

Product Line
PowerSCADA Expert v8.1, v8.2, v9.0

Advanced Oneline

In PSE 7.20 and earlier oneline functionality was handled by CiCode exclusively. With subsequent versions and the creation of the standalone Advanced One Line executable it is necessary for a zOL device to be defined for both primary and secondary servers.

In PowerSCADA Studio, within the I/O devices section, ensure there are two zOL devices defined with one being assigned to the primary I/O Server and the other assigned to the secondary I/O server. Ensure that the protocol is configured for IEC61850N

Schneider Electric Portugal

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