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How to access 7600 Input/Output through Modbus?

How to access 7600 Input/Output through Modbus?

Product Line
ION 7550
ION 7650

PowerLogic ION

To add the I/O to the default Modbus map requires configuration of the I/O module itself, then linking the input/output to the correct Modbus Slave Module and finally configuring the Modbus Slave module correctly.
This procedure is normally performed in ION Setup as ION Enterprise would normally be setup to speak native ION protocol to the device, therefore configuration of the Modbus map isn't required.

  1. Load ION:Setup and connect to the slave device. (See ION:Setup User Guide for details)
  2. Exit Setup assistant, and when prompted choose No to connecting to another device.
    How to access 7600 Input/Output through Modbus?
    ION Setup
    Do you wish to connect to a different device?
  3. Hold down CTRL and click on the device in the left-hand window. This will put the software into "Advanced Configuration Mode"image
  4. Check that your Analog/Digital Input/Output modules have been setup as per your system requirements. The ION Reference guide is a valuable tool for this step as it contains descriptions of module programing, operation and response. ION Reference schneider-electric.com
  5. To add digital I/O to the Modbus Map, open the Modbus Slave Modules folder and right click in the blank area in the right-hand window. Choose insert module. If you can't add a module because the max module count has been reached, then we will have to delete one of the existing modules to re-allocate the resources.

    Next Open your new module. You will notice that it is opened to the Inputs tab. Double click on Source1. Scroll Down to the Digital Modules and link the source.


    Continue adding the sources till all desired I/O are present.

    Now proceed to the Setup Tab. You will need the following details configured:
    Format: Packed Boolean
    Base Register: An unused register in the Modbus map in the 40xxx range. See the default register map for the used registers, located in your meters User Manual under the 3rd party protocols section.
    Scaling: No

    Finally, click the Send button to complete the programming. You should be able to read/write to the Modbus register.
  6. Adding Analog I/O to the Modbus Map. This step is identical to step 5 except the data type requires a block of numeric register to be added to the sources instead of a single packed Boolean. This is because each analog input or output is a numeric value, whereas the individual digital registers are bits and can be combined into a single 16-bit register (representing 16 digital inputs/outputs).

    The Data type for the Analog I/O is selected for the full block of registers, so you will have to consider your configuration carefully as the list won't support mixed data types (IE a 16-bit signed register won't operate correctly in a 32-bit unsigned format, and obviously a 32-bit register won't fit into a 16-bit signed format, etc). With the Analog Inputs you may wish to add scaling, as the numeric values may be represented in a decimal format, and you may wish to save some of the decimal precision. See the ION:Reference manual for details on the Analog I/O operation.

Schneider Electric Slovakia

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