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Video: Can you use a standard CAT5 cable to connect the ATV630 process drive and the VW3A1111 remote keypad.

Article available in these languages: japončina, holandčina

Using a standard CAT5 cable to connect the ATV630 process drive and the VW3A1111 remote keypad.

Product Line:
ATV630 and ATV930 drive


Wants to connect a standard CAT5 cable to connect the VW3A1111 to the ATV61 drives HMI port.

Yes can you connect a standard CAT5 cable to the VW3A1111 keypad display.

You will need to remove the bottom rubber cover on the VW3A1111 keypad display.   Once the rubber cover is pulled back you will see the RJ45 for attaching the CAT5 cable.

Schneider Electric Slovakia

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