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Voltage, Current and Resistance Explained

How do I remember the relationship of voltage, current and resistance in an electrical system?


Voltage (unit of measurement - volt)
is like the water pressure in the pipe. When you turn on a faucet, the water pressure makes the water flow out. Similarly, voltage is like the "push" that makes electricity flow in a circuit.

Current (unit of measurement - ampere) is like the amount of water flowing through the pipe. Just as you can control how much water comes out of a faucet, you can control the amount of electricity flowing through a circuit. Current tells us how many electrons are moving along the wire.

Resistance (unit of measurement - ohm) is like a narrow part of the pipe that makes it harder for water to flow. Imagine squeezing the pipe to make the water flow slower. In electricity, resistance is anything that slows down the flow of electrons. It can be things like wires, bulbs, or other components in a circuit.

So, to sum it up:

  • Voltage is the push that makes electricity flow.
  • Current is the amount of electricity flowing.
  • Resistance is like a squeeze that makes the flow slower.

Figure 1: Picture below describes the relationship of the three (voltage, current and resistance)

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