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Gain sustainability knowledge and skills

Business and sustainability go hand in hand today. In fact, the survival of our planet depends on it. Sparked by Electricity 4.0 and the rise of electrification and digitalization, the Schneider Electric Sustainability School is your pathway to in-demand expertise and practical tools. Elevate your brand’s reputation and stand apart from the competition.

Chapter 1: Gain knowledge

Get a clear understanding of sustainability basics like climate science, scope of impact, and tracking metrics to inform your customers and gain a competitive edge. 

Mandatory modules (2 hours):

  • The great climate system.
  • Low-carbon transition.
Optional modules (1 hour):
  • Impact on human societies.
  • Overexploitation of natural resources.
Enroll now to gain knowledge
man watering plant sustainability

Chapter 2: Take action

Successful climate mitigation starts with a decarbonization strategy. Learn how to develop a sustainability plan while leveraging tools and technology available to you as our partner. 

Mandatory modules (1.5 hours):

  • Acting on the carbon footprint.
  • Strategize, Digitize, Decarbonize methodology.
  • Zeigo Activate.
Optional modules (1.5 hours):
  •  Acting on the ecological footprint.
  •  I work in… (choose your department).
Enroll now to take action
man holding sustainable planet earth

Chapter 3: Win business

Get ready to recommend sustainability, digitization, and decarbonization to your customers. Learn how to leverage applications and solutions from Schneider Electric to increase business opportunities.

Course duration: ~1 to 2 hours


  • Introduction.
  • Building / IT / Residential or Industrial Automation Application.
  • Conclusion - Use Case Schneider Electric Espagnac Plant.

Sustainability School FAQs

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Do you have questions or need assistance? We’re here to help!

1. What is Schneider Electric Sustainability School?

It is an online platform that provides free sustainability training through a variety of sustainability courses. The platform offers courses on a range of topics related to sustainability, energy management, and environmental regulations. The courses are designed to help individuals and organizations understand and adopt sustainable practices that can improve energy efficiency, reduce environmental impact, and promote sustainable development. By providing free sustainability training and courses, we aim to empower individuals and organizations to adopt sustainable practices that can contribute to building a more sustainable future.

2. Why should you join Schneider Electric Sustainability School?

It is an excellent platform to join for several reasons. By joining the platform, you will have access to a wide range of sustainability courses that cover various topics, including renewable energy, energy management, sustainable design, and environmental regulations. The courses are developed by experts in the field of sustainability and energy management and are structured to be easy to understand and apply. By participating in our sustainability training, you will be taking a step toward becoming an agent of change in building a more sustainable future. The platform is open for Schneider Electric Partners.

3. Who can become a Schneider Electric Partner?

We partner with a wide range of organizations, including system integrators, distributors, original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), panel builders, contractors, and installers. These partners work closely with us to provide customers with innovative energy management and automation solutions. To become our partner, you can apply through our website. We value our partnerships and work collaboratively with our partners to help them succeed in their businesses.