Goals and Symptoms
The RatioNumerator and RatioDenominator variables of the LXM_GEARPOS are UINT16, and of the LXM_GearPosS are INT16.
Facts and Changes
For Lexium 17 and Lexium 15MP/HP, gear ratio numerator and gear ratio denominator are integer16. Concerning Lexium 15LP and Lexium 05A, these parameters are integer32.
Causes and Fixes
For Lexium 15LP and Lexium 05A drives, to write INT32 variables, the gear parameters need to be written via SDO, by using MC_WRITEPARAMETER function.
The RatioNumerator and RatioDenominator of LXM_GEARPOS or LXM_GearPosS blocks must be set at 0.
Legacy KB System (APS) Data: RESL200760 V2.0, Originally authored by CaMi on 12/18/2009, Last Edited by CaMi on 11/24/2011
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