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Schneider Electric Web Sitesine Hoş Geldiniz

Web sitemize hoş geldiniz.
SSS'leri Arayın
Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage" or "The page cannot be displayed" when browsing to the Powerlogic Scada Webclient.

When the user tries to access the webclient on the server he will get the following error:

Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage


The page cannot be displayed

There are no other errors in Windows event viewer.

IE Error

HTTP Keep-Alives are disabled in Internet Information Services (IIS)


"Enable HTTP Keep-Alives" must to be checked in IIS

For IIS6:
1. Open IIS. Start>Control Panel>Administrative Tools>Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
2. Expand Web Sites
3. Right-click on Default Web Site (Server operating systems only)
4. Select Properties
5. On the Web Site tab, check "Enable HTTP Keep-Alives"
6. Click Apply and OK
7. Rerun the webclient.
Default Web Settings

For IIS7:
1. Start>Run, type INETMGR, press Enter
2. Click on the Web Site (Default Web Site in our case)
3. In the Features View, double click HTTP Response Headers
4. Click on Set Common Headers… in Actions panel OR Right click in the HTTP Response Headers Feature Page and click Set Common Headers…

HTTP response

5. Check the Enable HTTP Keep-Alive if it is not already enabled.

Set Common HTTP

6. Click OK
7. Rerun the webclient.

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