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Only one IO pin is displayed If a custom function block has the same name for an input and output pins.

Only one pin is displayed in the PLC Program Viewer webpage If a custom block has the same name for an input and output pin.

Product Line
140NOE77111, BMENOC0311, BMENOE0110, TSXWMY100

Windows 10

If the Unity custom function block uses the same name for the input and output pins, the PLC Program Viewer web page will only show one of the pins.

The reason this occurs is that the mapped variable entry gets overwritten with the last variable instance.  Engineering has
determined that the issue is very difficult to fix and recommends the following workaround.

  • Do not use the same name for the input and output pins.
  • Add the variable to both the input and output pins in the FBD editor, rather than to just one of the pins.

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