How to configure the “Logic Discrimination” in SEPAM series 40, hard wire connection (I/O)?
How to configure Logic Discrimination in Sepam Series 40

Product Line:
Sepam Series 40


How to configure the “Logic Discrimination” in SEPAM series 40, hardwire connection (I/O):
  • First off it is clear that there are two relays. It could be named as downstream one (the one that sending blocking signal) and upstream one (the one that get the blocking signal). Please see the below diagram:
Operating principle
  • Steps to config. downstream one:
    • 1-It is a must to use I/O module, so select it in Sepam config. And physically it should be installed on Sepam
config. downstream-1
  • 2-Next, you should enable the Logic discrimination option in Sepam parameter/ program logic. This step will put logic discrimination in service and also will assign dedicated output of the relay to send blocking signal to upstream. In Sepam series 40 it is assigned to output number 3 (O3).
config. downstream-2
  • 3-Next, you need to set the protection functions both for logic discrimination and time-based discrimination according to your protection plan.
config. downstream-3
  • 4-Last step is connecting O3 of downstream relay to one of the input (you are free to decide which input) in upstream relay.

  • Steps to config. Upstream relay
    • Steps 1, 2 and 3 should be followed the same way as for downstream.
    • Step 4: chosen input (which is wired to O3 of downstream) should be assigned as “Blocking reception 1”. Here as an illustration we assigned I14 as reception of blocking = signal in upstream relay.
config. Upstream
*in S42 and S52 there is second “blocking reception”. For more information please check Sepam user manual. PCRED301006EN - 07/2012


FA295574.pdf [274.61 KB]