What is the difference between parameters SLFV (Estimated Pump flow value) and FS2V (Pump Flow Value) of AltivarProcess ATV600 variable speed drive.
Here are 4 combinations of ATV configuration that show the difference between SLFV and FS2V

1. Pump curves entered and activated flow estimation used and FS2A (pump flow sensor assignment) is not configured ==> SLFV is caclutated from pump curves. FS2V is copy of SLFV.

2. (Pump curves not activated or flow estimation not used) and FS2A is not configured  ==> SLFV=0, FS2V=0

3. (Pump curves not activated or flow estimation not used) and FS2A=AIx analog input ==> SLFV=0, FS2V=value from the sensor on AIx

4. Pump curves entered and activated flow estimation used and FS2A=AIx ==> SLFV is caclutated from pump curves. FS2V=value from sensor on AIx

To sum up, If there is a pump flow sensor (F2SA is configured) then FS2V provides information from the flow sensor. If there is no pump flow sensor, FS2V takes the value from SLFV.

