Video: How to export a system in Easergy Studio (MiCOM S1)
Need to send configuration files and/or events to a college or a support group.

Product Line
Easergy Studio
MiCOM S1 Studio

Below is a video and steps on how to export a system using Easergy Studio.  The export will send all the files that have been extracted from the relay in one compressed file.

1.  On the Start Page: double click on the system that needs to be exported.
2.  Right click on the system name
3.  Select export system elements
4.  Select relay(s) that need to be exported
5.  Click export
6.  Select a location to save the file and give it a file name.  Note:  Don't change the "save as type"
7.  Click save

Now the file is created and can be sent to a college or support group.
