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UI alignment issues for few optional fields for EPC-m for iOS devices
Sometimes you might see UI alignment issues for few optional fields on EcoStruxure Power Commissioning Mobile application when configuring a Power Tag device. The issue is specifically for the fields “Usage” and “Building Zone” which are under the header “Associated Load Info” for Power Tag and OFSD devices.
You might see the issue as shown in below Pic 1, where you cannot see the Usage and Building Zone and the header “Associated Load Information” font is very small.

Pic 1

pic 1

Work Around: Please change the Text size in your iOS device to 2 and above.
For that changes, please navigate to Settings > Accessibility, then select Display & Text Size.
Click on Text size and slide the bar to 2 and above. Once these changes are done, you can see those optional fields as highlighted in green in Pic 2

Pic 2

pic 2

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