Goals and Symptoms
Impossible to run msi files with Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8
Causes and Fixes
Windows Vista, Windows 7 & Windows 8: Add Run as Administrator to the Context Menu for MSI files.
Note: You must be logged in as an administrator to be able to do this tutorial.
Add Run as Administrator to the Context Menu for MSI files.
- Save the .reg file attached below (W7W8msi_runas.reg) to the PC
- On the PC, double click/tap on the .reg file to merge it
- When prompted, click/tap on Run, Yes (UAC-Windows 7/8) or Continue (UAC-Vista), Yes, and OK to approve merging the .reg file.
Thats it!
To remove Run as Admin, run the same steps as above with the .reg file (remove msi run as admin.reg) attached:
Note: This is the default setting
After this, the downloaded .reg files can be deleted as desired
(Removed File URL: 209611_3696/W7W8msi_runas.reg)(Removed Image URL: /PubResEXPORT.nsf/2b87ee90be777fc085257c28006ee4ef/2d02061bd4b6345dc1257ab2004216c6/fl_block_5/0.160?OpenElement&FieldElemFormat=gif)W7W8msi_runas.reg (Removed File URL: 209611_3696/remove_msi_run_as_admin.reg)(Removed Image URL: /PubResEXPORT.nsf/2b87ee90be777fc085257c28006ee4ef/2d02061bd4b6345dc1257ab2004216c6/fl_block_5/0.69E?OpenElement&FieldElemFormat=gif)remove msi run as admin.reg
Legacy KB System (APS) Data: RESL209611 V1.0, Originally authored by LaBa on 11/10/2012, Last Edited by LaBa on 11/10/2012
Related ranges: Unity Pro - SoCollaborative software
Released for:Schneider Electric UK