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ClearSCADA: Create a new WebX self-signed Certificate
It is possible to create a new WebX self-signed certificate using the following procedure:
(Note: this procedure is valid for ClearSCADA 2015 R2 an onwards)

1)Launch IIS, go into the 'ClearSCADA' branch and check to see which SSL certificate is being used by the https port

2) Now, click on the top level branch in IIS and select 'Server Certificates'

3) Click on the 'Create Self-Signed Certificate' link on the right side of the screen

4) Now, go back to the 'Edit Site Binding' dialog (see 1st screen above), click on the drop down arrow and select the new certificate

5) Restart the ClearSCADA IIS component (see screen shot below), close IIS, close Internet Explorer (if open), restart the ClearSCADA server and launch WebX again

Schneider Electric USA

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