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How do you configure the PMESWT0100 with Control Expert?
I added the PMESWT0100 in the M580 Rack configuration in Control Expert and downloaded the program, but it does not come up in RUN mode.
How do you configure the PMESWT0100 with Control Expert?

Product Line:

EcoStruxure Control Expert
Unity Pro


1.) Add the PMESWT0100 in to the M580 Rack configuration.
2.) Open the DTM Browser, Right-Click on the DTM for the CPU module and select Add.
3.) From the Pop-Up menu, Select the PMESWT0100 from the list. Click Add DTM.
4.) Double-click on the DTM of the CPU module to open it.
5.) From the CPU DTM, go down to the Device List and select the newly created PME_SWT_0100 device from the list.
6.) Open the Address Tab. Enter the IP Configuration you want to give the module.
7.) Also in the Address tab, Make sure DHCP is enabled and add the Identifier for the device:
If the Device is in the Main Rack of a standalone M580, the syntax for the Identifier must be entered as Mx80_XX_PMESWT01
If the Device is in the both of the Main Racks of a HotStandby M580, the syntax for the Identifier must be entered as M58A_XX_PMESWT01 and M58B_XX_PMESWT01, respectively.
If the Device is in a Remote Rack of a standalone or HotStandby M580, the syntax for the Identifier must be entered as CYYY_XX_PMESWT01
In these case XX is the 2 digit slot number from 01 - 11, YYY is the 3 digit CRA Rack number from 000 to 159.
8.) Once the Identifier is entered correctly. Click Apply.
9.) Go to the Build menu and select Build All Changes.
10.) Go to the PLC menu and Connect to the PLC via USB or Ethernet connection.
11.) Select Transfer Project To PLC. In the subsequent popup, DO NOT select PLC Run After Treansfer and Click the Transfer button.
12.) After the project successfully transfers, go back to the DTM Browser. Right Click on the PMESWT0100 module and select Connect.
13.) Right Click on the PMESWT0100 module again and select Device Menu > Additional Functions > Transfer to FDR Server. This is key for the configuration of the device.
14.) On the subsequent Popup, click OK, Then OK again on the next popup for the module to restart. This is how the new configuration will take affect.
15.) Right Click on the M580 CPU module and select Disconnect.
16.) From the PLC menu, select RUN.
17.) The PMESWT0100 should now be in RUN mode and if a load cell is connected, it will be providing real-time measurement data.

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Schneider Electric USA

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