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PRM stops if a change is transferred to the HSBY.

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PRM stops running after a change is transferred to the HSBY

Product Line

Windows 10


The reason is because the PRM is not designed for a hot standby swap over of the BMENOC0301. When you download any change to the PLC, the hot standby will swap over. This also causes the BMENOC0301 to swap IP addresses which will result in the PRM to temporarily lose communications with the CPU. When the PRM reconnects to the PLC, it will be looking for the stored IP address and MAC address of the BMENOC0301. Since it cannot find the IP address and associated MAC address, it detects this as an error. This error is preventing the PRM MGMT block from placing the PRM into RUN mode.

To resolve the issue after a download, you can toggle the 'ECPU_HSBY_1_CMD_SWAP' bit. After the CPU becomes primary again, the PRM will go back into RUN.

Schneider Electric USA

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