Connection of Neutral Current Transformers
Product Line:
Circuit Breaker Neutral Current Transformers
Electrical cabinet interiors
Circuit breaker Neutral input connections
A. Primary
If load is connected to OFF end of circuit breaker, connect load
neutral to H1 terminal of neutral CT.
If supply power is connected to OFF end of circuit breaker, connect
supply neutral to H1 terminal of neutral CT.
B. Secondary
Connect terminals X1 and X2 of neutral CT to terminals 1 and 2,
respectively, of the circuit breaker terminal block, using no more
than 25 ft. (7.6mm) of No. 14 AWG (2.5mm2) wire.
Connection of Neutral Current Transformers
Product Line:
Circuit Breaker Neutral Current Transformers
Electrical cabinet interiors
Circuit breaker Neutral input connections
A. Primary
If load is connected to OFF end of circuit breaker, connect load
neutral to H1 terminal of neutral CT.
If supply power is connected to OFF end of circuit breaker, connect
supply neutral to H1 terminal of neutral CT.
B. Secondary
Connect terminals X1 and X2 of neutral CT to terminals 1 and 2,
respectively, of the circuit breaker terminal block, using no more
than 25 ft. (7.6mm) of No. 14 AWG (2.5mm2) wire.